7 events found.
Week of Events
Pathways to Prayer
Pathways to Prayer
A 9-part series exploring the purpose and meaning of Jewish prayer By Rabbi Ephraim Nisenbaum
Talmud Brachos
Avos d’Rav Nosson
Avos d’Rav Nosson
The ancient text that compliments Pirkei Avos with additional maxims, parables and wisdom. Class given by Rabbi Moshe Stoll Tuesday Nights at 8 PM The Waxman Torah Center | 2195 South green rd.
Women’s Parsha Class
Women’s Parsha Class
The Women's Parsha Class is given by R’ Ephraim Nisenbaum. Location of the class varies. Call 216-691-3837 for info.
Kesuvim – Writings
Weekly Parsha
Weekly Parsha
Class given by Rabbi Moshe Stoll The class takes place at Offices of Emmet Inc. | 23400 Mercantile Rd., Ste 6, Beachwood, OH 44122